소리 퍼커션의 예술활동은 연결과 융합이라는 두 키워드로 대표된다.
국내외 아티스트를 연결하는 협업을 통해 한국 전통 타악기 음악을 현대음악, 전자 음악, 무용, 미술, 영상 등 다양한 예술 장르와 하나로 녹여내는 작업을 선보여왔다.
또한 국제 워크숍과 자료집 제작으로 대표되는 연구·교육 활동으로 타악기음악에 대한 지식 체계를 연주 실제와 연결하여 넓혀나가고 있다.
소리퍼커션의 목표는 동시대의 예술가들에게 한국 타악기 음악의 새로운 가능성을 제시하는 것, 다양한 관객에게 한국 음악을 뿌리로 하는 새로운 예술 경험을 제공하는 것이다.
Through the core elements of traditional Korean music, SORI reflects sound. From the cyclical beats of the janggu to objects like clocks and radios, SP experiments with the notions of sound and rhythm in itself, blurring the lines between performance and experience.
SP’s soundscape is created by using multiple musical instruments and accessories, superbly blended to create a contemporary sound. Through a balance of delicate and powerful sounds, SP creates experiences by taking apart and putting together different pieces of Korean percussion to perform it anew.
Their main project, Percussion Theater ONE, will premiere as an online concert where one can experience Korea’s four seasons in 2022. Starting off with Autumn, Spring and Summer, the collective is currently preparing for their next performance, Winter.
The collective is committed to collaborating with international artists and organizations. In Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, the group created and hosted projects like Beat&Beyond as well as Contemporary Companions, a series of workshops and concerts. Most recently, SORI PERCUSSION has performed in multiple European countries, the US, and Taiwan.
Based in Korea, the ensemble collaborated with the MMCA (National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art) to create a Museum Night alongside artist Haegyu Yang. Also having worked on multiple interdisciplinary projects, SP has collaborated on literary-sound concert The Prophet, immersive visual art performance Macro Cosmos, as well as arranging and performing numerous pieces based on the works of Gilrae Lee.
SORI PERCUSSION is composed of six core artists and three main producers, and collaborates with various artists, composers, and ensembles in Korea and abroad. An open platform, SP aims to be a middle ground connecting performers, artists, and the greater community interested in Korean percussion.

타악기음악극 <원ONE>
타악기음악극 〈스프링SPRING〉
타악기음악극 〈썸머SUMMER〉
〈예언자 ver.2020: 청춘〉
타악기음악극 〈어텀AUTUMN〉
한-덴 수교기념 음악회 〈BEAT & BEYOND〉
국립국악원 금요공감 〈흙, 바람, 나무〉
〈세계속의 한국타악 IV〉
〈세계속의 한국타악 III〉
Percussion Theater: ONE
Korean Percussion In The World. IV
Korean Percussion In The World. III